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The Drake Marble Building

The Drake Marble Building, built more than 100 years ago as a marble cutting and polishing plant, is located on St. Paul’s West Side across the Mississippi River. Now in the heart of St. Paul’s Riverfront Redevelopment area, this four-story building has been renovated into a first-class office building.

Stahl removed the building’s exterior and completely gutted the building, exposing the aging structure for inspection by engineers. Structural repairs were made and the entire building recladded. A large atrium brings the common areas of all four floors together, surrounded by full-height butt joint glazed glass.

This project was a finalist for the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal Best in Real Estate Award, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP) Awards of Excellence, and the Minnesota Construction Association Project Achievement Award.

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Wellington Management

St. Paul, MN

Addition / Renovation

81,000 SF